God calls us each to holiness, to sainthood. Every day, each experience we have helps us grow in our faith…
God calls us each to holiness, to sainthood. Every day, each experience we have helps us grow in our faith…
I’ve always watched I Love Lucy. Lately, though, I notice that there is something about it that speaks to me…
I was named after a tugboat. Seriously. I was born in the late 1950s and many girls I went to…
I know my purpose here on earth is to love and serve God so that I can spend eternity with…
Oftentimes the seasons of Lent and Advent are filled with our good intentions about what we will do, what we…
I had an odd response to the 2012 presidential election: I stopped watching the news. I also stopped reading the…
“Sorry, No Steeple…but we do have a drive-thru” is what the clever, cool, hip billboard sign proclaims. I wasn’t exactly…
Before my feet touched the floor on January 1st, 2012, I offered a simple prayer: Please Lord, before the year…
I don’t watch The View. I tried a few times, many moons ago; but found that even with the presence…