It’s always painful to read a book that makes you feel like you have failed/are failing in every way that…
It’s always painful to read a book that makes you feel like you have failed/are failing in every way that…
Remember how you felt when Nancy Pelosi told us that we would know what was in the Obamacare bill after…
The following has been released by Right to Life New Zealand Inc. The Killing of Unborn Children with Down syndrome …
Rising Wind Rising wind Falling fire Life abiding Soul’s desire Word speaking Babel cure Earth renewing Spirit pure Claim us…
In case you missed Meet the Press Sunday morning: Blah, blah, blah, job growth… unemployment numbers. Blah, blah, blah, recession……
My wife and I were at the home of another married couple for dinner. While a roast finished cooking, we…
Bin Laden is dead. Terror and terrorism continues. So does martyrdom. But what a difference between the two types of…
This November the citizens of San Francisco will decide whether to ban circumcision, a practice that dates from antiquity and…
Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them.…
The Syrian government must resist the uprising — and has the people’s backing in quelling forces seeking “destabilization and Islamization” — according…