with Jennifer I Kimball, Be.L. Thirty years after the Center for Disease Control (CDC) reported the first US case of…
with Jennifer I Kimball, Be.L. Thirty years after the Center for Disease Control (CDC) reported the first US case of…
My brother John has a great photo from the birth of his first child. It’s a picture of his daughter’s…
Speaking Other Language What do we know of the cool brook’s rising slowly from its rock-source: trickling, winding, fading among…
Presidential scholars write on all sorts of aspects of the American presidency. Among the most interesting have been several important…
What does a man do after reading powerful, potentially life-changing words from a saint? Hopefully he actually changes his life. …
The College of St. Mary Magdalen in Warner, New Hampshire, has had a make-over. On October 16 of 2010, this…
Chance We can’t go on the way we go, In moving darkness ruin grows, Living in my eighth decade I…
Your Hand I’d Kiss Your hand, I’d kiss But not for this, The mundane games Men play. Your hand, I’d…
Only one miracle of Jesus is recorded in all four gospels — the multiplication of the loaves and fishes. I…
Amidst the rhetorical pyrotechnics surrounding July’s debt-ceiling debates, another controversy streaked across the sky like a comet, flared for an…