Monthly Archives: September, 2012

Recently an Egyptian Muslim posted a YouTube videotape of himself cursing Islam, its holy book, the Koran, tearing the latter…

It was a glorious day. Autumn was in the air. An armada of white, puffy clouds floated on a horizon…

Please forgive me for waxing apocalyptic, but lately I’ve been thinking an awful lot about the end times prophecy that…

The election season is in high gear, and it is my personal priority between now and November 6 to educate…

For the average practicing Catholic, dating can be really fun. After all, you’re young, ready to discern marriage, and maybe…

I am a Tabernacle for Jesus Blessed Imelda taught me this. I hold Him in my heart, And sweet Jesus…

The battle at the Democratic convention to exclude God from the party’s platform is no minor moment. Do not underestimate…

This week I read a very disturbing article titled “New prenatal test is bringing eugenics back to Germany” , and…