“HAIL, flowers of the martyrs!” the Church sings in her Office of the Holy Innocents, who were the first to…
Yearly Archives: 2015

In raising children, we rediscover the wealth in youth. On the most basic level, we re-learn the nursery rhymes, we…

TURIBIUS ALPHONSUS MOGROBEJO, whose feast the Church honors on March 23, was born on the 6th of November, 1538, at…
HUNERIC, the Arian king of the Vandals in Africa, succeeded his father Genseric in 477. He behaved himself at first…
ST. CATHARINE was daughter of Ulpho, Prince of Nericia in Sweden, and of St. Bridget. At seven years of age…

Heb 5:7-9 Christ learned obedience and became the source of eternal salvation The Letter to the Hebrews is a singular…

Our marriage vows reflect the fidelity of God’s love for us. The obligations of the marriage covenant – fidelity, love…

All of us want the very best for those we love. But as we pursue it, we often have a…
ST. BENEDICT, blessed by grace and in name, was born of a noble Italian family about 480. When a boy…