Summer Camp: Exploring New Passions


At soScience-campme point between the ages of 5 and 12 most children find a passion.  It may be a vocational kind of passion like an animal-lover on the path to veterinary medicine, or an avocation like a softball player who one day applies that determination to passing the Bar Exam.  At this tender age, it’s hard to know where your child’s passion will lead.  Perhaps this is a future career, a hobby-for-life, or an important step on the path of life filled with lessons and character-building.

One problem of a child finding a passion early-on is that as they grow, the sport or activity becomes so demanding that there is little room to explore anything else.  Travel soccer, black belts, competitive dance or music fill the schedule quickly.  When is your child going to find some time to explore some other interests?

Enter Summer Camp.

Each year, our family allots at least part of the schedule and budget for each child to take a short camp in a new or secondary interest.  A summer camp can teach a child to swim or ice skate well enough to enjoy these activities more in the future.  A ballet camp can teach a child balance and physical control which they can apply to other activities.  An acting camp can give a child performing and public speaking skills which may serve them for years.  In most family-friendly communities, opportunities abound in sports, vacation Bible schools, art, performing arts, and academic specialties like creative writing or science.

To fill this bill, look for camps that are beginner-friendly and less intensive.  They are usually more affordable too.  Some camp time helps break up a quiet summer and adds a little structure.  Trying new things keeps us well-rounded and humble.  It doesn’t have to be a camp or class.  Explore a new hobby or interest and have a great summer!


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