Poem: “Just like our Yesterdays”


Just like our Yesterdays

Today I have found You again,
My Friend of a long time.
Our paths crossed today again,
As they haven’t for some time.

You were You, the Lord of Love,
And I the sinful man,
But You loved me as You always do,
Just the way I am.

I was so pleased to see You,
Through the eye from within my heart.
You filled me with a loving joy,
As though we hadn’t been apart.

It was so good to see you,
And have our little talk,
Just like our yesterdays
Before we grew apart.

Seeing You made me so happy
Like finding a lost love.
I forgot how much You meant to me,
My truest, purest love.

Please do come see me again;
Don’t let it be so long.
I love to have these chats with you,
And I miss You when You’re gone.

But for a time today,
My heart leaped in my breast.
There You were in front of me,
My Lord, My Love, My Friend.

I am grateful for Your visit;
It meant so much to me
To see my Lord, my God, my Love,
Come walking up to me.

I cannot say how thrilled I was,
But love swept over me.
I was at peace for a time again
When my Lord came to visit me.

I had forgotten how much I missed You,
And how You filled my life,
But it all came back in an instant
When You came in sight.

Forgive me, please, for my wanderings.
I’d been busy with so many tasks.
I had forgotten how much You loved me
Until You opened Your arms on that path.

Forgive me, forgive me for leaving you;
I’m sure I made You sad.
I really want to stay by you
And never again get lost.

So please come again and visit me,
And remind me of our love,
For fool that I am, I fear I shall fail,
To renew and renew my love.

It was so good to see You today,
My Lord, my God, my Love.
Never again do I want to stray
From You, my Perfect Love.

L. Lapiz


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