Paul Reveres RideWith bluster, ink, and bray.
Lawyers five, get their way.
Out with God; in with sex drive.
Salute Sodom; so they connive.

Let them preach right prim of legality,
That man’s law must be obeyed.
But ‘tis base to bow, when reality
Has the highest law betrayed.

T’would be wrong to supersede,
Against authority properly formed.
Yet revolt is right, and just indeed,
When the Republic has been stormed.


About Author

Writer, retired history teacher, lecturer for Knights of Columbus--Bremerton WA (c. 1379), author of new & as yet unpublished book, "Rekindling the Spirit of 1776: Insurrectionary Solutions for Postmodern Maladies."

  • Guy McClung

    Bob-So well said and so much more profound than my short poem: Scotus Screwed Us. Happy 4th! Guy McClung, San Antonio, Texas, once USA, now USSA

  • Struble

    Thanks, Guy McClung. Perhaps I should have entitled it, “Declaration of Independence from God.”

  • Michele Hriscko Cook

    This is great! I know now how Christians felt in 1973. I was here, but only six years old. Too young to know what was going on, or understand its implications.