Poem: “If I Had But an Hour with You”


If I Had But an Hour with You

If I had but an hour with Youvisit jesus
It would be as a dream come true
To sit at your feet and gaze upon You
’Twould be joy beyond measure.

But alas, it is not to be
Not now whilst I am living.
This joy, this joy is yet to be
In a time somewhere ahead of me.

But I still dream of my hour with You,
And I know how it will be
Full of joy and contentment
And a peace that is beyond belief.

So I will wait my time of loving you
With the full of what I am.
I give my all to You
Imperfectly as a man.

When the twilight comes,
So it will be,
And morning will not linger,
But come bursting through
With a blast of light.
Behold, life begins anew.

And there will I be,
With You, my love,
At last it is upon me,
The moment, my dream,
It has come true—
My hour to gaze upon you.

So for now I wait,
And I dream
And try to be who I am,
A sinful man with a burning soul,
Seeking the only true love.

L. Lapiz


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