AMONG the disciples of the apostles in the primitive age of saints this holy virgin shone as a bright star…
AMONG the disciples of the apostles in the primitive age of saints this holy virgin shone as a bright star…
ST. FELIX was a Roman by birth, and succeeded St. Dionysius in the government of the Church in 269. Paul…
ST. YVO HELORI, descended from a noble and virtuous family near Treguier, in Brittany, was born in 1253. At fourteen…
JOHN was born of a noble family at Nicopolis, in Armenia, in the year 454; but he derived from the…
ST. MAMMERTUS, Archbishop of Vienne in Dauphin, was a prelate renowned for his sanctity, learning, and miracles. He instituted in…
PHILIP was one of the first chosen disciples of Christ. On the way from Judea to Galilee Our Lord found…
ST. VITALIS was a citizen of Milan, and is said to have been the father of Sts. Gervasius and Protasius.…
ST. OPTATUS and seventeen other holy men received the crown of martyrdom on the same day, at Saragossa, under the…