It’s the Devil, Stupid


Like it or not, our country was founded on and sustained by the notion of a Creator. Furthermore our founding documents affirm that this Creator endowed us with certain inalienable rights. Our system of jurisprudence was rooted in English common law, which itself was dependent upon the informed discretion of individual judges to establish legal precedent.

Simply stated, the concept of common law relies upon the year in and year out cumulative good judgment of the judges. The question is, what was the intended basis for that good judgment? This question brings us all the way back to the first precept of law stated by St. Thomas Aquinas himself, that “good is to be done and pursued, and evil is to be avoided.” In other words, we are brought back to “The Natural Law.” (ST-II-I, Q. 94, Art. 2)

Now in the event of unregulated common law it must be assumed that the judicial temperament of the judges will remain sensitive to objective moral standards. The genius of the Founders, however, provided an overlay for judicial discretion by adopting the Constitution, which is, itself, deferential to the notion of seeking good and avoiding evil. This was a uniquely American and, if you will, revolutionary idea, for it made our system of justice universal and appellate in nature.

If a case is appealed, ultimately, to the U. S. Supreme Court they will fall back on the Constitution to render decision. It is interesting to note that Great Britain, to this day has no formal, written Constitution. To this end it is fundamental to understand that the United States Constitution is a document designed specifically to limit the power of Government in order to ensure that it remain the servant and never the master of its citizens. The founders had confidence in the American people, while retaining a prudent mistrust of any government administered by fallible men. Why? Because they knew that government was a soulless and corruptible thing, whereas individual moral men fear for their eternal destiny, making a Godly nation a self regulating entity. Consider the words of our second President, John Adams:

“We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” –October 11, 1798

Now, you may ask, what does all of this have to do with the devil, and more importantly, what does it have to do with me? I would first ask you a question in response. Do you believe that, in 2012, the current political process is still capable of honest representation of our country’s best interests? Assuming that you are among the majority of Americans who answered — either “doubtful” or “nope” or “no way” or “hell no” — the next question is: Why not? The most common answer is that the entire process is no longer trustworthy.

So, I would ask a follow-up question. In your life, as you scroll through the institutions that built this nation, what is left that is trustworthy? Government, banks, schools, churches, the legal system, industry? “Baseball, hotdogs, apple pie and Chevrolet?” Are any of these as trustworthy as they once were? As they should be? So what has changed? These institutions aren’t bricks and mortar, they are people. Washington D.C. is just land and buildings; the government is people. The Church isn’t the Vatican, the National Cathedral or some stadium mega structure, it is you and me, on our knees praying for God’s will. Things haven’t changed, we have. If our institutions are no longer trustworthy, its because neither are we.

Look at us, as a country. We lie, we cheat on our spouses, we spend our lives wanting bigger, better, faster everything, and we are obsessed with sex. Attendance at church is way down; at bars, way up. We abort our children, buy our daughters birth control pills, peruse internet pornography like our fathers watched the evening news and actually tolerate an idiotic word like homophobia. Despite all of this, we have the nerve, the unmitigated gall, to expect our elected representatives to be honest!

Now, clearly the above description doesn’t apply to the reader or any of his friends, relatives, high school classmates, or members of his astrological star sign. Neither, I pray, would it apply to me or mine, but when the bruised boxer’s coach told him, “He hasn’t laid a glove on ya, kid.” The beaten fighter replied, “OK coach, but, keep an eye on that referee, would ya, cause someone is beatin’ the hell outta me in there!”

I know that we don’t believe that it is us, but a whole lot of somebody is beatin’ the hell outta the moral fabric of this country.


This is an excerpt from Val Bianco’s newest book It’s the Devil, Stupid, expected to be available this coming December.


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  • PrairieHawk

    As G.K. Chesterton famously wrote: “What’s wrong with the world? –I am.”

  • David WS

    I have met priests who deny or dismiss the existence of the devil. Inevitably they always dismiss other Church’s Teachings, especially Humae Vitae.

  • Charlie500

    Bingo. When a nation turns away from God and bans the 10 Commandments from its institutions. Thou may lie, cheat, fornicate, kill, and hate and decieve. You are right….This means nothing can be trusted any longer because morality is relative…and it has every mark of the devil. The twisting of truth where good becomes evil and evil good. Thanks for the great post! Pray.

    • LizEst

      “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil, who change darkness into light, and light into darkness, who change bitter into sweet, and sweet into bitter!” Isaiah 5:20

  • thomas

    solution there was none save the truth of Christ alone……….Emerson

  • Zack

    But would society have strayed so far if the Church didn’t undergo a time of confusion? At one point, my older brother remembers not being taught about angels and the spiritual side of things in Catholic school – it all stopped. Did the spiritual side stop? And if it didn’t, why did the education of the spiritual side stop? What does this type of education leave? … A material view of the world (a worldly view)?

  • Jacqueleen

    The Devil uses people to do his dirty work. Obama and his czars must be at the top of his list of favorites! The Judiciary branch must be high on the Devil’s list and the Congress…..oh the Congress…..Since the Devil has dominion over the earth and all the money circulating here on earth, he has done a good job fattening the wallets of the House of Representatives and the Senators because they have forgotten whose side they are supposed to be on and they constantly fail to do their jobs.
    That leaves the rest of us peeons… know the sinners who lust after pornography, same sex encounters, adulterers, abort innocent life, who think nothing of trampling over their competition, those who will do evil out of greed for the almighty dollar…..the list goes on! The devil has many demon workers who are leading souls to their ill fate in hell.
    The answer is to recognize when the devil is prompting us to do evil, think evil, speak evil and rebuke it immediately…………then pray hard.

  • yo

    ¡El principio de subsidiaridad! And it is even beautiful!

  • Dave Davis

    if anyone doubts that there is such a thing as evil and the devil; Watch the video, ‘Silent Scream’ of a live abortion. Abortion IS THE AFFIRMATION OF THE DEVIL!. It sucks the juices of Innocent Life from the very HEART of goodness.

  • Luciano Miceli

    The reform of the Church has already started and is growing stronger. This Pope is continuing the reforms of JP II, new orders who are faithful to the Magisterium are rising and growing while older orders who have lost touch with what it means to be Catholic are dying due to a dearth of vocations, a very good and telling sign is the two saints that soon will be declared Doctors of the faith who in their respective time they fought relentlessly against corruption of the clergy and worked tirelessly for the renewal of faith and culture. I’m now learning about them and being inspired with renewed hope. The question that we must ask ourselves is am I swimming upstream against the culture of death the culture of corruption and the culture of selfishness? As GK Chesterton once said only a live animal will swim against the current and all dead things are carried away into perdition.

  • Terri K

    We elect the leaders we deserve. I keep saying that Obama didn’t sweep in with overwhelming military force and take over. The people elected him! The filthy programs on tv make money because we watch them. Porn is prevalent online because we’re paying to view it. I love that you mentioned “homophobic”. Our country has decided that embracing and legitmizing fornication is compassionate and that opposing it is a form of hatred.
    It’s not “them”. It’s us!