Unless, of course, “care” includes euthanasia. The Democrat Party, along with much of the public, has long considered abortion to be health care. And what is abortion if not prenatal euthanasia? Indeed, the denial of lifesaving treatment implicit under Obamacare is merely a passive form of euthanasia. Either way, active or passive, the objective is the same: death.
Obama and his fellow atheists never will admit the truth about today’s mass murders, whether they occur in public schools, abortion mills or nursing homes: They are symptomatic of a culture they themselves have wrought, a culture that is anti-human precisely because it repudiates Judeo-Christian tradition. Right and wrong are matters of opinion; life has no purpose; I come first.
The only solution to such violence is obvious to anyone with a properly formed conscience. It’s the same solution Mother Teresa offered when asked how we might prevent war: Love your children. But as we see, it goes unheeded by a culture bent on contracepting, aborting, sodomizing and euthanizing itself out of existence.