Time to Step Up? Two Americas, One Future: The Choice is Yours


Divided America Flag

Our nation is suffering from multiple-personality disorder. The identity and history of the United States has been revised and rewired to the point where those who speak with authority on the grounds of historical scholarship are laughed off the stage in favor of those who speak with the heart of a revisionist and the scorn of an Alinski disciple. Indeed, they have proven Saul right. Mockery is a powerful weapon when your audience is comprised of low-information citizens.

Personally, I believe someone like David Barton or Mark Levin could hold their own against any number of Howard Zinn-types, but their efforts would be lost on a great swath of Americans today. There is less regard for a verifiable, historical position than for history which fits a desirable emotion. Feeling good about our history seems to be more important than being accurate about our history. The requisite emotionalism of modern Leftism refuses to play second fiddle to historical scholarship and an increasingly apathetic populace gives a collective “meh” in-between episodes on the boob tube. So Thomas Jefferson becomes a Muslim sympathizer, George Washington becomes a gleeful slave-owner, and the Democrats become the party of civil rights. I don’t know about you, but I feel better already, comrade!

Recently, Mark Levin has been speaking about the existence of Two Americas. One America desires the redistributive suffocation of a massive Federal leviathan which will provide and control everything; and one America desires to be left alone. One America understands that hardship is a very real possibility yet is not willing to trade their liberty in the hopes of ameliorating failure. And one America holds their liberty so cheaply as to give it away for a bowl of hot stew across a campfire. One America is a gaping maw whose belly knows no satiation and whose ignorance knows no shame. The other America refuses to take anything for which they didn’t toil, yet willingly opens their homes, wallets, and hearts to help alleviate suffering in their community.

One gives while the other takes. One builds while the other tears down. To which America do you belong? To which America do your friends and neighbors belong? To which America will your children belong?

Political pundits are wont to shake their heads ruefully and verbally pine for the days past when there was less political acrimony. I pine for the days of greater political acrimony. Complacency and cowardice are the appetizers of tyranny. If it means an end to the radical progressive agenda galloping roughshod over our Constitution, then let the political kumite commence.

The time is coming when every American will have to choose which America is their own. For some, it will take the form of the decision made by an Oregonian baker and his wife, driven out of business by homofascists in their community, to voluntarily shutter their business rather than kneel to politikal korrectness and forsake their Christian beliefs on the altar of Mammon.

Or there may come a time in your life when you are presented with prosperity via government intervention. Have you thought about what your response would be to that offer? You should. We all will choose an America, one way or another. And if you think that you can avoid choosing one vision or the other, let me remind you that neglecting to choose is a choice in itself.

I understand that most of this is a sermon for the choir. My objective is not to tell you what you already know, but to encourage you to tell those in your circle of influence what you and I already know. We are a relatively small group of informed and agitated citizens, but we are operating in a nation of sleepwalkers. The willful blindness which I see from my fellow citizens is alarming and frustrating, but I become complicit in that blindness if I refuse to help them see.

If a blind-folded man is walking towards a cliff, who is more to blame for his demise: the blindfolded man or the man by his side who neglected to remove his blindfold? Chances are that there was someone along your path who pulled the blindfold from your eyes and helped you to see the light. It is past time to repay that heroic individual and start yanking some blinders.

As Rush encouraged years ago, you don’t need a special skill or a media outlet to make a difference. Read your brains out and become a resource in your community. Make the case and win the day.

[Editor’s note: this article first appeared at ClashDaily.com.]


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  • noelfitz

    Does this article correspond to your experience? Are the people in your street, community or parish takers, not makers? Do the people you interact with contribute to society?

    I have been humbled by the generosity of ordinary people on both sides ot the Atlantic. My grandson was very ill and needed medical help. An appeal met with huge success from generous, decent people and quickly teached its target. Please look at http://babyjamie.ie/.

    Negative pessimistic emphasis on the evil of humankind is Lutheran/Calvinistic, not Catholic. Catholicism is an oprimistic religion. We believe creation is good, people are good. We are a risen, saved people.

    • ELC

      This seems to be an emotional reaction only tenuously connected with what the author actually wrote.

      Nevertheless, I will note that the author is, indeed, not a Catholic; that I see nothing in this piece that is incompatible with the Catholic faith; and, that different emphases have marked Catholic thought and life in different times and places, the which being an important aspect of the catholicity of the faith.

  • Bassie Kims of Yesteryear

    Quoting the Neocon Warmonger, and RNC Talking Points Reader, Mark Levin?

    How very sad.

    I would suggest, to Levin, and the writer, another, very on-point quote which can be applied to the “two Americas”:

    ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’

    • ELC

      Do you have any… you know…. substantive criticism of the alleged “talking points”? I figure not, or you would have made them, instead of engaging in snide ad hominem.

      • Bassie Kims of Yesteryear

        Jesus’ quote is all the substantive criticism anyone might need.

        Ignore the poor, and the least among us, in pursuit of Dickensian societal cruelty, and risk your immortal soul.

        • ELC

          “Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to God what belongs to God.”
          If you can do it, I can do it. I’m outta here. Thanks anyway.

          • Bassie Kims of Yesteryear

            The poor are God’s.

            We’d best care for them.

          • Bassie Kims of Yesteryear

            The poor are God’s.

            We’d best care for them.