Monthly Archives: February, 2013

SERENUS was by birth a Grecian. He quitted estate, friends, and country to serve God its celibacy, penance, and prayer.…

Last week a UN commission that formulates social policies acknowledged the role of the family as the natural and fundamental…

“[N]ews reports abound which are often unverified or unverifiable, or completely false…” –Communique this morning from the Vatican’s Secretariat of…

Life IX The heart asks pleasure first, And then, excuse from pain; And then, those little anodynes That deaden suffering…

I overheard him make the plans. On his way home from work he picked up the perfect wrist corsage. He…
ST. POLYCARP, Bishop of Smyrna, was a disciple of St. John. He wrote to the Philippians, exhorting them to mutual…

“…As we grow older the world becomes stranger, the pattern more complicated…” –T.S. Eliot, The Four Quartets, East Coker The…

The first time I saw women holding Silent No More Awareness Campaignsigns, I was overwhelmed with contradictory feelings. “I regret my…