Monthly Archives: April, 2015

AT the tender age of twelve, Mary left her father’s house that she might sin without restraint, and for seventeen…

Meditation and Questions for Reflection or Group Discussion Mass Readings: 1st Reading: Acts 4:32-35 2nd Reading: 1 John 5:1-6 Responsorial:…

As one might expect, the first greatest story ever told is that of God creating the world and then sending…
ST. PERPETUUS was the eighth Bishop of Tours from St. Gatian, and governed that see above thirty years, from 461…

I love silence. I crave it sometimes, especially in a world that seems filled with noise 24/7. Radios and TVs,…

This verse in the Book of Acts brings an image to my mind of a street activist holding a sign…

No matter what side of the debate you find yourself on, the heated discussion surrounding Indiana’s recently passed religious freedom…
HE was by birth a Jew, and belonged to the Church of Jerusalem, but travelling to Rome, he lived there…

The overriding sentiment which prevails at my house and in my heart each Easter Monday is the same. It is…