WHEN a mere boy, Martin became a Christian catechumen against his parents’ wish; and at fifteen was therefore seized by…
Monthly Archives: November, 2015

This book is a must read. It is the beautiful story of what could be considered a miracle birth, and…

In St. Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians, he exhorts his readers to be imitators of God. I venture to say…

Last week’s New York Times featured a haunting portrayal of suicide in America. Across the nation, suicide rates are on…

The Jubilee Year of Mercy is right around the corner. Why not take advantage of that year to work on…

LEO was born at Rome. He embraced the sacred ministry, was made archdeacon of the Roman Church by St. Celestine,…
AFTER a holy youth, Lancelot Avellino was ordained priest at Naples. At the age of thirty-six he entered the Theatine…

Pope Francis opened his Nov. 4th Wednesday General Address by spotlighting real families who witness daily to the great gift…

Whatever the Journey, Whatever the Road My hand is upon you, As you well know. I walk with you daily,…

ST. THEODORE was born of a noble family in the East, and enrolled while still a youth in the imperial…