Yearly Archives: 2015

America is Post-Abortive
If you’re an American, you’re post-abortive. It is estimated that, since the Roe v. Wade decision in 1973 by which…

Saint Maria Goretti, Virgin and Martyr
Maria Goretti (October 16, 1890 – July 6, 1902) is an Italian virgin-martyr of the Roman Catholic Church, and is…
St. Peter of Luxemburg
PETER OF LUXEMBURG, descended both by his father and mother from the noblest families in Europe, was born in Lorraine,…

St Bertha, Widow, Abbess.
BERTHA was the daughter of Count Rigobert and Umana, related to one of the kings of Kent in England. In…

Miracles Jesus Could Not Do
Over the last two Sundays, the gospel of Mark has been making it abundantly clear that Jesus is indeed God…
St. Heliodorus, Bishop
THIS Saint was born at Dalmatia, St. Jerome’s native country, and soon sought out that great Doctor, in order not…