Poem: “Prayer for a Prodigal Daughter”


Prayer for a Prodigal Daughter
(I composed this poem to the melody of “My Bonny Lies Over the Ocean.”)

Hu-man-i-ty ne’r had an era,
When kids all acquired moral aims.
But this age has scorched like Sahara,
With passion that sears and inflames.

In childhood our daughter was lovely,
In soul she was strong for the Lord.
But culture and peers ground her roughly,
‘Till Faith and the Church she abhorred.

My Sadie’s gone far from devotion;
Our daughter’s been swept out to sea.
My Sadie’s adrift on the ocean,
And so do I proffer this plea:

Lib-er-ate her from the Captor.
Once again may we see her kind eyes.
Open a hap-pi-er chapter,
With our family as loving allies.


Ah, ‘tis true that prayers do get answered,
and in due time the answer was yes.
Years ago my daughter was captured,
Now, to Jesus she does acquiesce.

Robert Struble, Jr.


About Author

Writer, retired history teacher, lecturer for Knights of Columbus--Bremerton WA (c. 1379), author of new & as yet unpublished book, "Rekindling the Spirit of 1776: Insurrectionary Solutions for Postmodern Maladies."

  • goral

    Touching and sad.
    Love and prayer does bring the strays back
    and this poem is both.

  • wild rose

    This poem is very touching. It expresses a personal situation for I also have a prodigal daughter. On her recent birthday I gave her the book, “Understanding the Mystery of the Mass” by Fr. Matthew Buettner. (Te Deum Foundation) This book gives the best explanation of each segment of the Mass that I’ve found yet. Mr. Struble, I will pray for your daughter also.
    Goral, thank you for your encouraging words.

  • Thanks be to God, she has made amazing progress in the year since this poem was written. No longer estranged from her family, or from Jesus, her turnabout is most hopeful and personally gratifying. She still has a way to go, however, before she gets back home to Rome.

  • Struble

    What a Christmas present! As of December, 2014 she and her husband are back to home sweet Rome.