Poem: “Best Friends”


Best Friends
Inspired by John 11:1-44

The cave held him in a damp embrace.
Again, he heard his name called.
Louder, more insistent.
He knew it was time –
Time to leave the dark cave.

Slowly he stepped out
Into the bright sunshine
Squinting in the warmth and light of the sun.
A crowd had gathered.
Tears fell from his sisters’ eyes
As he came toward them in bare feet.
The joy in their faces radiated and warmed him.

Then he saw his best friend,
Standing aside, eyes full of love and wisdom.
He embraced his sisters first,
Then turned to his friend with thanks
But words would not come.
His sister, arm around her brother,
Spoke for them all,
“Thank you for bringing Lazarus back, Lord.”

Brenda Kay Farber


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