A Few Thoughts About Judgment Day and May 21, 2011


A few weeks ago, I went to New York to hear a friend’s daughter play the cello for her senior recital at Julliard School of Music. As I walked from the subway station to the school, at the corner of 65th Street and Broadway, a sincere-looking young woman left the place where she had been standing, walked over to me and handed me a small pamphlet. Its headline was arresting: “THE END OF THE WORLD IS ALMOST HERE! HOLY GOD WILL BRING JUDGMENT DAY ON MAY 21, 2011.” As I read it, my mind flashed back nearly forty years, to the summer of 1973.

I was on a train headed to the Washington, DC area, engaged in earnest conversation with another young woman. At the time, I was a devout Jehovah’s Witness. I believed that God was going to bring judgment on the world late in 1975, and I was trying to convince her of that. Jehovah’s Witnesses (the Watchtower Society) are Adventists. They believe that it is possible to determine when Jesus Christ will return in glory to judge the world, to punish the wicked and reward the just.

Needless to say, my expectations for 1975 were dashed. The logic upon which the Watchtower predictions were based seemed pretty sound to me, and, since I had been raised as a Witness, I had no strong motivation to seek to independently corroborate the way the Scriptures were interpreted by the leaders of my religion. I trusted them. But the failure of that particular prediction moved me to reexamine the theological basis upon which it had been based, from the perspective of hindsight. That led me to more objective examination of other Watchtower teachings. Within a few years, I was no longer a Jehovah’s Witness.

Back to 2011. I took another look at the pamphlet. The details were different, of course, but even a quick glance revealed that its publishers were using essentially the same approach as Watchtower writers did in the late 1960s and early 1970s: explanations of Bible prophecies interpreted very creatively in the light of current events, accompanied by chronological calculations. (I later discovered that the identical approach, with differing details and dates, of course, had been used in Watchtower publications since the 1870s, producing a number of different “divinely revealed” dates. Every one of them was wrong.)

Another parallel between the perspective of the publishers of this pamphlet and that of the Watchtower is their teaching that religious leaders cannot be trusted. “You can’t turn to your religion or go to your priest or pastor or spiritual leader for help,” they say. To me this appears to be a self-defeating strategy, for by publishing and distributing these pamphlets (accompanied by a rather impressive media campaign, at least in our area) the writers of this folder have, de facto, become leaders of a religious movement

I looked up at the young woman. She had sincere eyes and an open face. Clearly, she was not attempting to deceive me; my guess is that she is a true believer. What makes people like her accept this approach to God and religion? Surely one factor is the desire to be liberated from the burden of life in a world that is far from perfect, to live in a sort of Utopia (defined in the pamphlet only as “heaven.”) But is that what Christianity is all about? From the perspective of one who once held similar views, but is now a Roman Catholic, I would attribute it to wrong expectations, a rather serious misunderstanding of the fundamentals of the good news about Jesus Christ, as taught by his closest disciples, the apostles and preserved within a faith community that has been in continuous existence since Jesus walked this earth.

For so many, possibly including the writers of this pamphlet, God is seen more as an inflexible but powerful sovereign than a loving Father. He seems to have created humans mostly so he could have someone to rule over. Although He gives them free will, he is angry and disappointed when they use it wrongly and break his rules. Apparently, the purpose of the coming Judgment Day, is to eliminate all the rule breakers in a global cataclysm, possibly as soon as Saturday, May 21, 2011 (according to “astounding proofs”)! Is there any hope to survive this destruction? “The Bible assures us that many of the people who do beg God for his mercy will not be destroyed.” The pamphlet’s publishers have even calculated the number of those who will be saved at 200 million, but they do not say where this revelation came from.

There are small kernels of truth in the perspectives presented in the pamphlet, but not much more than that. If one knew nothing of what the Bible or the Church teaches, one could easily get the idea from reading it that God started a creative project that got so out of hand that the only viable option He has at this point is to just destroy most of it and salvage whatever small percentage can be salvaged. Even those who do survive only escape because they have sense enough to “beg for mercy.”

By glorious contrast, according to the historical Christian faith, Jesus is “The true light that gives light to every man.” His death actually broke the power of sin to hold any human. It opened the door for humans to commune face to face with God. Jesus came here to share with us not only his own divine life, but to teach us how to walk in honor, blessedness and holiness; to empower us to live life in all its fullness; to transform us into his own image. He offers us nothing less than the opportunity to be adopted as free sons of a living God: “To all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God…From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another” (John 1:9, 12, 16).

We each get a lifetime, some longer than others, in which to respond to God’s self-revelation to humans in various ways, including that given through Jesus and the Church he founded. From the Christian perspective, the major event in human history is not the Day of Judgment. It is the day when Jesus conquered the world by his sacrificial death and resurrection. In fact, he explicitly stated numerous times, as recorded in the Gospels, that the Day of Judgment will arrive unexpectedly. According to Jesus, it cannot not be predicted in advance, even by his disciples.

When day dawns on May 22, 2010, most people will go about their business as they would on any other Sunday. But how will the disciples of Harold Camping, the publisher of this pamphlet, react when the expected judgment day does not arrive? Embarrassed? Ashamed? Angry at God? Disappointed with religion in general? You may happen to run across one of them. If you do, invite them to church with you. Reassure them that the failed expectation is not bad news, but good news. Offer them the opportunity to learn the fullness of the Gospel from those who have preserved it down through the years, and to rejoice in the richness and beauty of the genuine Christian faith!


About Author

28 years as JW, then agnostic, evangelical Baptist, Anglican. Received into Catholic Church 2006.

  • One of these days, Alice… POW! APOCALYPSE!


    Very good advice, Tom. I am writing this just a few minutes after nine in the morning of May 21 and I can imagine the fear and disillusion of those who believed. Since the humiliating experience of William Miller many have announced the end of the world. Millerites (now Adventists) and Jehovah’s Witnesses are unfazed by their repeated failures to guess God’s calendar.

    It would be funny if it wasn’t that many simple people turn away from God when they realized that they are not “the chosen” and their church (however small and remote) is not “the church” among the thousands of churches and groups founded by mere men armed with a Bible and good intentions.

    Jesus said clearly: It is not for you to know the times and the seasons that the Father has kept for His own! And I wonder how come we all read that and yet tried to guess the WHEN and the HOW, the times and seasons that only God knows.

    On the other hand the part that many forgot is this lament of the Lord over Jerusalem: “…how many times I tried to gather you.. but you you did not discern the time of your being inspected!

    While we cannot guess the day and the hour it is obvious that the coming of the Lord, like “a thief in the night” can be discerned somehow. The early Christians were those who recognized Jesus and followed him but many in those times failed to recognize the time when God Himself came to inspect His people. From that phrase we also see that this process is repeated patiently by God. He respects our freedom to walk away from him but he also tries to gather us, to prod us in the right direction.

    The tragedy of these times is similar to the tragedy of Jerusalem in the days of Jesus. Many sincere Jews followed all kinds of false messianic teachers but missed Jesus who appear right under their noses.

    Today Jesus is present in the Eucharist, humbly feeding and leading His flock in turbulent times. But for many who cannot discern their way out of darkness this Jesus is not acceptable. They want “their” Jesus to be what they want him to be.

    We have to pray that all Christians will return to the Eucharist and we have to “keep on the watch.”

    • AJ Barrett

      I read in our local newspaper that 6:00pm was the predicted time for the “rapture.” I’m left wondering in which time zone that would be.

      The thing that troubles me the most about this whole situation is the fun that atheists are having over this news. There were reports of parties taking place (again locally,) in which attendees could have their cover charge waived if they renounced or blasphemed the Holy Spirit upon entry to said parties. I pray for God’s mercy on these misguided people.

    • HomeschoolNfpDad

      The thing that is far more realistic is that perhaps this day God might demand of any of us his life. For someone who dies today, it might as well be the Apocalypse. I tend to believe that most folk will have some purgatorial cleansing to render prior to entry into heaven. We’re all imperfect, after all. One of the great lessons of purgatory, moreover, is that once there, nothing depends on me. I can’t earn my way out; God will take me to heaven once I am ready. But the prayers of the Militant Church and the Glorified Church could earn me a reprieve sooner than might be the case otherwise.

      The big lesson, of course, is to live this day for its own sake (as Jesus teaches in the Lord’s Prayer) and to remember, as St. Augustine teaches, that God promises mercy and forgiveness if we repent today — but he does not promise any of us a tomorrow.

      And we don’t need Apocalyptic reminders to live this way.