A Man’s Guide to Loving a Woman – Catholic Style


holding handsSanctity. This is the first rule of a Catholic man. Be a saint and create the most fertile ground for your spouse to be a saint.

Share your dessert. This is one of the hardest tests. You have eaten a good dinner. The sweet tray is brought to your table. She says she does not want any because she is full. Your slice of warm brownie over vanilla ice cream arrives. She suddenly wants half. Give her more than that.

A clean sink. I do not care how dirty a kitchen is, if you close the cabinet doors and clean the dishes it always looks 100% better. I know you did not leave the doors open. She does not want to hear she did either. Just close them and offer a prayer for the great reminder of all the little things that are flawed in your own person.

Sex. She deserves better than being treated as an object. She is a lady and a woman. Keep her away from poisons that can harm her body. Yes, the pill is a poison.

Workout with her. Yes, it takes longer. Life is not about being as efficient as possible.

Open her door. It opens her heart and yours.

Take out the trash. Yes that disgusting, smelly, rotten, and overflowing soul. Go to Confession regularly.

Encourage your sons to treat your wife like a queen. This relationship is very important.

Defend her. If someone threatens her life, step up and die defending her. It is what Adam should have done. This includes those little deaths that destroy a person’s good name like gossip. Your friends do not want to hear about your wife’s faults and you should be embarrassed for even mentioning them.

Stand your ground. Not against her, but with her. She may have emotions that soar up and down. Be a rock of consideration and strength that comforts her even in what appears to men as trivial. They are important to her; they should be important to you.

She is beautiful. She wants to hear you say it often.

Just a note. Buy a small notebook, and leave a small note every morning. Tell her something new that you love about her. Remind her about special moments that meant a lot to you. Thank her for being a strong woman. Ask her forgiveness for your faults. Draw her a small picture. Look up a great quote.

This article originally appeared on Ignitum and is used with permission.


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  • Frank
