The Burning Babe As I in hoary winter’s night stood shivering in the snow, Surpris’d I was with sudden heat…
Author St. Robert Southwell
The Nativity of Christ Behold the father is his daughter’s son, The bird that built the nest is hatched therein,…
Content and Rich I dwell in Grace’s court, Enriched with Virtue’s rights; Faith guides my wit, Love leads my will,…
Look Home Retired thoughts enjoy their own delights, As beauty doth in self-beholding eye ; Man’s mind a mirror is…
Man’s Civil War MY hovering thoughts would fly to heaven And quiet nestle in the sky, Fain would my ship…
Love’s Servile Lot LOVE, mistress is of many minds, Yet few know whom they serve; They reckon least how little…
The Burning Babe As I in hoary winter’s night stood shivering in the snow, Surprised I was with sudden heat…
Times Go By Turns The lopped tree in time may grow again Most naked plants renew both fruit and flower…
Christ’s Childhood Till twelve years’ age, how Christ His childhood spent All earthly pens unworthy were to write; Such acts…
A Child My Choice Let folly praise that fancy loves, I praise and love that Child Whose heart no thought,…