The wound comes from well-meaning people. “Well, it wasn’t that far along.” “You can always have another child.” “Lots of…
The wound comes from well-meaning people. “Well, it wasn’t that far along.” “You can always have another child.” “Lots of…
Talk is cheap. E-mail is even cheaper. Maybe that’s why we’re inundated with trash talk and junk mail (of both…
Joan from Ohio emailed: “Dear Karen, would you please consider writing about how to be frugal? You claimed in your…
The celebration of the Ascension used to leave me a bit flat. It was clear what Good Friday did for…
Doomsday radio evangelist Harold Camping was wrong; the world did not end [two weekends ago]. But you could hardly tell…
Back in prehistoric times when my wife and I were busy doing our parenting, I paid very little attention to…
As the implementation date for the new English translation of the Roman Missal approaches (less than 180 days away at…
I was watching a conversation unfold on a friend’s Facebook wall about the typical daily details of having kids in…
Sometimes I marvel at the creative power of the human mind. Like whoever first thought of grabbing the wind out…
The revolt in Syria offers great opportunities, humanitarian and geo-political. Western states should quickly and robustly seize the moment to…