In His Place IV Nameless faces surrounding me; All but one, that one I see. Mother, must you glimpse me…
In His Place IV Nameless faces surrounding me; All but one, that one I see. Mother, must you glimpse me…
Ancient Ones Blue and green their globes of eyes, The hunting of the dragonflies, Hulls of crystal swivel, catch The…
Truth: Platinum of Highest Purity Promising ground has been found Hopeful men send for the drill The steel bit rotates its…
Come With Me Come with me to where the Milk House Ford Is paved with cobbles, now so long ignored,…
Love (III) Love bade me welcome: yet my soul drew back, Guilty of dust and sin, But quick-eyed Love, Observing…
I was riding the ski lift with one of my pupils, a little girl of roughly seven years. She could…
In His Place III Along the path up Calvary I looked for you but couldn’t see You in the crowd…
Living Crib Make a manger of my heart, O Lord! Your skillful carpenter’s hands master Grace’s lathe and plane. Chiseled…
Who are these people and what have they done with my real parents? My real parents swore they needed a…
The Easter Rising, 1916 A Poem for the 90th year of Irish Independence, 1922-2012 Rebelling led by Patrick Pearse, No…