Your Hand I’d Kiss Your hand, I’d kiss But not for this, The mundane games Men play. Your hand, I’d…
Your Hand I’d Kiss Your hand, I’d kiss But not for this, The mundane games Men play. Your hand, I’d…
Must Wander Go up or down, whatever scale you see, A caterpillar crawling on a tree, A vapor-bloated cloud that’s…
Haiku Wrought From Rubble Purified by fire, beaten into submission, shaped for service: Gold! Mary Harwell Sayler
Weapon The cross is deep, a dagger, So firmly fixed is evil, Who can pull it out, extract This weapon…
Swift As A Star Flicker Prayer, it does ascend Up from the mind into the air Through the highest cumulus…
Late The Holy Father is expected But has not by this time arrived To celebrate a Mass outdoors – A…
The Funeral begins with the birth-date of skin, color, gender, bruising caused by delivery into your particular place…
Columba in the Church Alone Columba in the church alone So long ago on Iouan island Light streamed through the…
Down From the Night A humid night, a balmy dusk, Fireflies on summer leaves Bear flashing likeness to the stars,…
Who Sends These Winds? How can you say you are alone, my love, Feel the rays of the fuse set…