Dear Anthony, I’ve had it with men! Once again, I have been rejected by a guy because I would not…
Dear Anthony, I’ve had it with men! Once again, I have been rejected by a guy because I would not…
Nowadays, there is much talk of “types” in dating. “He’s a nice guy, but he’s not my type.” “I don’t…
A stack of save-the-dates and wedding invitations covers a corner of my desk at home. By March 2015, five more of my friends…
I met this young man a few months ago on a flight to give a talk in the Midwest. Ironically,…
Following in the noble tradition of his immediate predecessors, Pope Francis encouraged married couples to have children and be open…
One of the things I hear the most from engaged couples is that they do not pray together. This is…
Dear Anthony, I could use some advice as the non-Catholic party in my relationship. My boyfriend is a very nice…
The other day on Facebook, a reader learned that for my forthcoming book, called Chastity is for Lovers: Single, Happy, and…
Love is in the will. When a man and a woman get married, they pledge their love to each other…
Dear Anthony, I’m confused, and slightly worried. I recently read an article by a respected Catholic author talking about being…