Catholic News Service Puff Piece on Partial-birth Abortion Supporter?


A confusing article — to say the least — has been published by Catholic News Service: a puff piece on Labor Secretary Hilda Solis. From an August 30 interview:

The office of Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis includes images of Our Lady of Guadalupe, a glass crucifix and a sculpture of Mary and Jesus. Her Catholic faith, she said, “is a part of my life. My faith is what motivates me.”

The lessons her faith teaches about hope, about helping others, about seeking higher things is something woven into the fabric of her daily life, she said. “I do it in a quiet way,” she said. (Full piece at the Boston Pilot)

A quick search on Solis, a U.S. representative for the state of California for eight years, reveals someone who is not only not particularly concerned with the rights of unborn children, but who is a hardcore pro-abort politician. Sporting a 100% pro-abortion rating by NARAL Pro-choice America, Solis has opposed justice for unborn crime victims, supported abortion funding abroad, and even opposed the 2003 federal ban on partial-birth abortion.

Catholic World News notes that the piece is set for distribution in diocesan newspapers across the U.S.

CNS is, according to its website, an “editorially independent and a financially self-sustaining division of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.” Neither CNS nor the USCCB answered inquiries about the article.

Will we see a retraction?

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  • Mary Kochan

    I’m actually not the least bit confused about this. The liberals see their agenda in danger from Obama’s incompetence along with the rejection of it by a majority of the American people and so they are going to pull out all stops to get him reelected, which of course will include courting the Catholic vote… again.

  • goral

    Obama can once again count on the catholic vote.
    Pardon my colloquial expression, but it’s a “slut”
    vote that’s very easy to get.

  • Jann

    The “mill stone” scripture verses come to mind. Lord, give us more bishops like Chaput and Aquila who not only take their role of shepherding your people seriously, but continue to speak the truth.

    I have prayed the rosary in front of North Dakota’s only abortion clinic with Bishop Aquila leading it. And I have knelt before the Eucharist in the monstrance, being held aloft by Bishop Aquila, in front of that same abortion clinic. These are the leaders the faithful want to follow.

    Which bishop are responsible for this news story? Can we write or call and protest?

    • When Henry VIII passed the edict only one bishop remained faithful.

      Do you have a bland, bad, pitiful man for a bishop? No problem: write him off and become a member of the Roman Diocese. Then you shall be safe: guaranteed by Christ Himself.

      • Is it true that as Henry VIII lay on his deathbed, he would only meet with a priest who had been faithful to Rome?

        • PrairieHawk:

          Henry VIII knew the doctrine well and surely knew that the Sacraments operate regardless of the faithfulness of the priest “ex opera operato.” If I am not mistaken, he explains that point in his own book “De Sacramentis”.