France: the Ugly Face of Gay-Fascism

Police using tear gas against peaceful defenders of marriage and family

Police using tear gas against peaceful defenders of marriage and family

It is as foreseeable as it is unavoidable: a government that abuses its power to impose absurd and counter-natural laws such as on same-sex “marriages” will soon face massive protest. And given that such laws cannot be defended with rational arguments, those in power take recourse to violence and blatant human rights abuse.

Sadly, France is now in such a downward spiral. All those among us who believe in human rights and civil liberties should closely watch what is going on in this country, which once proudly thought of itself as the place where human rights originated, but which is now turning into something like a dictatorship in which gender-theory and homosexualist ideology hold sway, while human rights defenders are persecuted and the freedom of opinion is trampled upon.

There is now a first victim to deplore. His name is Nicolas, a 23 year old student from Angers, who was arrested while peacefully protesting against the absurd re-definition of marriage and family by his country’s government. He has now been sentenced to one month of imprisonment for “rebellion”.

This judgment apparently is intended as a clear message to all citizens that still dare to oppose the new gay-fascism: we are not going to listen to you, nor engage in any rational argument about the meaning of marriage and the family, but we will simply put you in jail. Dissident opinions will be silenced at all costs.

Meanwhile, disturbing video footage has emerged on the internet. It shows how policemen mingled among the peaceful crowd that protested peacefully in favour of marriage and family on 26 May. These “agents provocateurs” had the task of artificially provoking the violent “incidents” that Manuel Valls, the French Minister of the Interior, had “warned” against prior to the demonstration.

The use of “agents provocateurs” is a feature that is typically used by totalitarian regimes. It shows how far the gay lobby in Europe is prepared to go to push through its agenda.

You can sign a message of sympathy for Nicolas on facebook.

If you want to write to President François Hollande to express your concern over the blatant disrespect for basic human rights in France, you can do it here:

(You can do this in English, because even if many Frenchmen pretend not to understand any foreign language, some of them do. By necessity, the President’s office, given that it is responsible for foreign relations, has some employees who can read letters in English.)


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  • goral

    Any one who thinks a letter of concern voiced to those in gov’t in charge of perverting everything that is rational and logical and sacred is criminally naive.
    That time has passed. Now, here as in France, we are and will be facing agents provocateurs. Evil can’t hold on to power except by violence. Evil is now in power here as it is there.

    • noelfitz


      I am not sure what you are advocating.

      Are you calling for an armed uprising in the US and France? Are you suggesting that the administrations in these countries are evil and are not due the loyalty of citizens? Are you encouraging sedition and treason against democratically elected governments?

    • Struble

      Exactly, Goral. We can’t devise a strategy unless we recognize the nature of what we’re up against.

      • goral

        As I said, the agents provocateurs are out there, suggesting and
        insinuating that any one of us who questions a gov’t that is out of
        control and working against the very citizens, (US persons as
        the Kenyan weasel called us) who give it legitimacy,are in some way treasonous traitors.

        I’m advocating a peaceful take back of our institutions, much the same way Solidarity did in Poland.

        The Unions are part of the problem, here, we’ll need some other strategy. With the internet and cell phones we can get thousands of, yes, citizens, into our state Capitols, and paralyze the halls of the tyrants who tax us but refuse to represent us.

        We’ll have to come up with a strategy or be ruled by the double-gated crusaders.

  • mally el

    Nicolas has been imprisoned for one month. Why? He participated in the march to save the one marriage that served France well for thousands of years.
    Gaystapo! People say No!

  • noelfitz

    Many thanks for your reply to me. I have read your excellent article, that you
    recommended for me. As usual we are essentially in agreement.

    You note “Common tyrants, and public oppressors, are not entitled to obedience from their subjects”. In CL goral has referred to the “Kenyan
    Tyrant”. Does this imply he believes Obama should be opposed, even by arms?
    However Mr Obama is the democratically elected president and hence loyalty to him should be expected.

    In the recent past there was violence in Northern Ireland with horrific murders and violence, but due to a peace process, fostered by Senator Mitchell and Bill Clinton, we have now less trouble. So I have seen violence in civil society and abhor it.

    • Struble

      Because a government is elected, does not mean that it (or the majority of voters) cannot be tyrannical. The government of the Spanish Republic was elected, but ask the parishioners of the 5000 priests executed by the government whether it consisted of “tyrants and public oppressors” who forfeit the entitlement to be obeyed.

  • noelfitz


    many thanks for your reply, you make a very good point.

    Should Americans resist the present administration. I realize that any one person contributing here does not necessarily represent the views of CL, no more than any contributor.

    But should CL clearly state its position? Is it loyal to the US government? Does it seek to bring down the government by peaceful means? Does it support overthrowing the government by force?

    Is it appropriate to refer to the president of the US as the ‘Kenyan tyrant’ or the ‘Kenyan weasel’. Is disrespecting him disrespecting the US?

    • Struble

      Noelfitz. I’m just one editor, but imo CL is pretty eclectic and does not have an editorial policy on the political questions you pose, unless you count loyalty to the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

      • goral

        Something doesn’t square, Bob. I make out two people on the image assoc. with your handle, ahm!
        Perhaps Noelfitz is suggesting that CL change its name to the

        US Conference of Catholic bloggers. With US in the name, we will automatically be deemed loyal to the gov’t and satisfy our Casa Blanca weasel’s classification of unquestionably being US persons.

        Noelfitz would make a good interrogator with his insistent queries.
        There is room in our NSA for such as he.

        • CDville

          Goral, you and I seem to agree in many respects, and I believe you are not advocating violence. (I am pleased to see my vote for Ted Cruz was not wasted, giving me hope that the ballot box will still serve our country well.) Noelfitz frequently does not understand what we see and experience here, and snarky remarks will not help him understand. Please do your best to respond to him in love.

          • noelfitz

            Thanks for your positive contributions.

            I feel you are constructively adding to our debate.

            Goral claims evil is now in power” (in the US), and it
            appears he advocates the overthrow of the administration. Though he would prefer the revolution to be peaceful would he tolerate a violent uprising?

            You ask me to look again at the Declaration of Independence, approaching July 4 is a good time to think of this document. The views expressed in it are relevant for all, not only US citizens.

            I read in it “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles
            and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect (sic) their Safety and Happiness.”

            Has the need arisen now to abolish the US government and make a new form?

            Or has freedom survived in the US, where the mandate of the government is the people who freely choose their leaders?

          • CDville

            No, we do not need to abolish the US government, but some fine-tuning is certainly needed. I am not sure a constitutional convention would work, but some amendments are being developed. Goral is correct about evil in power. Pro-lifers and “rightwing extremists” were placed on an official terrorism watch list back when Obama first took office in 2009, and the tax authority has recently admitted targeting conservative organizations for persecution. The democrats’ current push to restrict the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms is eerily similar to the restrictions placed on European populations as tyrannical governments strengthened before WWII. Now the NSA revelations. We are looking for peaceful, legal ways to protect ourselves from a growing threat. What to do? Legally, we are searching for answers. Ultimately, we wrestle against spiritual forces that are defeated only by prayer, fasting, and the sacraments.

          • noelfitz


            many thanks for your most recent communication.

            I consider it sound and balanced, thus I agree with you.

            I often find that apparent disagreements vanish when views are considered in detail.

            At present my complaint is with privacy. The US administration claims the right to invade the privacy of everyone on earth except US citizens, as revealed my Edward Snowden, since the 4th amendment’s privacy rights only protect US citizens

            At present in Ireland abortion legislation is going through parliament, and government members of parliament will be expelled from the party if they vote against the government. So the US is not the
            only country with problems.

            I think this debate can now end.

    • CDville

      Noelfitz, we Americans value highly our rights endowed by our Creator. Our founding a documents say that governments are established by people to secure those rights. So no, disrespecting the person who occupies the office of President is not disrespecting the US. In fact, many of us see him disrespecting the US and the Constitution. We celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence this week. This would be a good time to read it!