LGBT Activists Ask UN: When Will Our Love Story Begin?


US-POLITICS-GAY MARRIAGEHomosexual activists and UN officials gathered to take stock of their failures at the United Nations on Wednesday.

Panelists from UN agencies and homosexual groups spoke of the obstacles to getting homosexuality recognized despite a big push for social inclusion in UN policy. The event “LGBT Rights and the UN: When Will the Love Story Begin?” was hosted by youth delegates at the German mission to the UN.

“I’m not sure love is the right word,” said Susanna Fried of the UN Development Program. Fried said addressing homosexuality within development assistance is easier because it does not rely on UN negotiations but evidence.

“Evidence is very political,” she said. States have to confront the soaring rates of HIV among homosexuals in both developed and developing countries. Fried had a hand in a report from the Global Commission on HIV and the Law that recommended decriminalizing sex work and lowering the age of consent to tackle HIV/AIDS. Lowering the legal age of consent is critical to access reproductive health commodities, she claimed.

“The Love story cannot begin until we move beyond the right not to be beaten up,” said Marianne Moltmann of the Human Rights Campaign. Activists like Moltmann want homosexuality approved and endorsed officially by the United Nations, not just tolerated.

“There is discomfort with children’s sexuality,” Moltmann said, which limits a franker conversation on sexuality and gender identity. While international law recognizes parental rights to guide the education and religious instruction of children, she asserted this should not take precedence over the best interest of the child.

Russia’s laws to protect children from early sexualization and the health risks it entails were characterized as “cynical” and a symptom of “deep homophobia” by Graeme Reid of Human Rights Watch, who described himself as both an academic and an activist.

Defining sexual orientation and gender identity is a problem, panelists conceded. Should they focus on social inclusion, or legal rights? A broader narrative of social inclusion is in tension with attempts to establish legal categories for homosexuals according to Kendall Thomas of Columbia University Law School, who moderated the panel.

Aditya Shankar, a “queer rights” advocate from India said categories like LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) are often inadequate because “fluidity is innate to human nature.” For the queer community to be boxed up in one category is ironic because the “whole point is to be counter-normative.”

Shankar blamed the lack of social inclusion in India on the “hetero-normative discourse” in the media. This was not always the case, he claimed, pointing to ancient temples with images of homosexuality, and homosexual passages in the Kama Sutra.

In the end, panelists agreed with Reid that laws and categories are “blunt instruments” but ones they want.

Only one third, 68 countries, of the UN General Assembly has publically endorsed a homosexual agenda. The last action at the Human Rights Council in Geneva was in 2011 when a report from the secretariat was issued amid controversy.

Activists have bypassed UN member states to get homosexuality recognized, relying on the UN bureaucracy led by Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to issue personal opinions in their favor.


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  • Mary Kochan

    “Children’s sexuality?” “Lower age of consent?” If the world were not insane we would line these creeps up against a wall and shoot them.

  • noelfitz


    I am surprised at your post.

    The world is not insane, having been created by a loving rational God.

    “God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good” (NRSV, Gen 1:31).

    I presume that you are not encouraging or condoning the shooting of people with whom we disagree.

    • Mary Kochan

      You are causing me to have 2nd thoughts about my comment, Noel. On 2nd thought, death by firing squad is way to good for these pervs; instead we should chain them to concrete blocks and sink them in the ocean. Matt. 18:6.

      • goral

        My kind of second thoughts, Mary.

    • goral

      You’re just picking the chocolate chips from the cookie, noelfitz.
      Remember that in the same Book is the story of Noah and the Flood.
      “This generation is an evil generation” is another quote.
      According to you the Crucifixion of Christ did not need to happen
      as everything was and is just fine in paradise.
      No, we are living among an evil generation, right now.
      The pervs. and the sods. will meet their demise at the bottom of the ocean.
      I’m thinking of the oar fish that was in the news a few days ago.

  • noelfitz


    Many thanks for your reply to my post. As you know I prefer to get a reply disagreeing with me than none, that is why I appreciate my friend goral, and welcome your post.

    I presume you are being facetious and not serious.

    To me same sex-marriage is a non-problem, as by definition marriage is between a man and a woman.

    But the issue of how the Church treats homosexuals is important. Catholicism is a religion of love, and should not reject anyone.

    It is not my responsibility to judge how others lives their private lives, but principles are clear. Sexual intercourse outside marriage is sinful.

    • Mary Kochan

      My comment had nothing to do with homosexuals.

  • noelfitz

    I may have misunderstood you.

    If I did please accept my apologies.

  • Struble

    We don’t hate homosexuals, Noelfitz, but we do hate, despise, loath and abhor the filthy kingdom of queerdom and the political movement it is pushing.

  • noelfitz

    I was not going to contribute to this discussion further as I had considered the issues had been considerfed, and I do not want to criticize the beliefs ot others, but you raise a fundamental point.

    Our humans good? Yes.
    God created humankind good, but after original sin our passions incline us to evil, but we remain essentially good.

    Americans, with the tradition of the Pilgrim Fathers, are puritanical. The Protestant/Calvinist/Lutheran tradition holds we are evil. Catholics do not share this Protestant pessimism. Catholcs are optimistic, being good and having a God who loves and cares for us.

    Jonathan Edwards played a huge part in shaping American thought and religion. His negative puritanical views are deep in the American psyche.

  • liberalismisamentaldisorder

    homosexuality is completely approved in hell, what more do they want?

    • goral

      They want it approved here on earth and make it hell for the rest of us.

  • Corey

    Marriage has not always been between one man and one woman, even the bible allowed multiple wives, incest, rape. Hitler was the perfect example of a conservative Christian, I am glad to see so many people still admire him and honor his service to Christianity.