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  • noelfitz

    Sound words from Honest Abe.

    I wish all my American friends in CL a happy and blessed Independence Day.

  • Randall Ward

    People; do you realize what Lincoln is saying? This
    quote of Lincoln is far away from the Church of Christ. Lincoln was a lover of man, not a lover of God. He started a war that caused the death of a million people and set the USA on course to be a godless state, run by the desires of mankind. Read the Old Testament to see what happens
    when the people cry out for a human King.

    • ELC

      Yes, I realize what he is saying. Most of what you have said here has nothing to do with what he’s saying.

      • Randall Ward

        Most of what you said does not respond to my comment. According to you it is a requirement that you respond only to what I said in my comment.
        Or could it be that you believe that thoughts published in a Mag by the staff of the Mag are somehow more truthful than thoughts of mere “folks” like me.

        • ELC

          It’s actually not about you or me. At that, seeing my approach to a bottomless pit of quicksand, I take my leave.