National Catholic Reporter Vs. Catholic Church


It’s been obvious for a long time, but now it is official: the National Catholic Reporter rejects the teachings of the Catholic Church on sexuality. In an editorial titled, “NCR Endorses Call for a New Sexual Ethic,” it supports retired Australian Bishop Geoffrey Robinson’s plea for the Church to change its teachings on sexuality.

Bishop Robinson wrote a book a few years ago called Confronting Power and Sex in the Catholic Church. Here is what the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference said about it in 2010: “Catholics believe that the Church, founded by Christ, is endowed by him with a teaching office which endures through time. This is why the Church’s Magisterium teaches the truth authoritatively in the name of Christ. The book casts doubt upon these teachings. This leads in turn to the questioning of Catholic teaching on, among other things, the nature of Tradition, the inspiration of the Holy Scripture, the infallibility of the Councils and the Pope, the authority of the Creeds, the nature of the ministerial priesthood and central elements of the Church’s moral teachings.”

No wonder Robinson is NCR’s hero. Ten years ago, I said on “Hardball” that neither NCR writer Tom Roberts (he is now the editor-at-large of NCR), nor the weekly newspaper, “believe in anything the Catholic Church says on sexuality” (Roberts was on the show with me). When I continued to talk, Mike Barnicle, who was sitting in for Chris Matthews, jumped in and said, “Wait, Bill, please. Tom, take it up. I mean, you just got whacked across the face.” Roberts replied, “I’m not going to take that up.” But how could he? In short, nothing has changed in the last decade save for NCR making it formal: the Church is wrong on sexuality.

Need any further proof? On p. 21 of the March 30-April 12 edition of NCR it has a full-page ad by the pro-abortion and anti-Catholic group, Catholics for Choice (CFC). It wouldn’t accept a dime from a racist group (nor should it), but it has no problem cashing a check from CFC. It’s time the newspaper changed its name to the National Reporter.


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  • noelfitz

    I am sorry to hear of squabbles between Catholics of good will.

    We should hang together or hang separately, as Ben Francklin reminded us.

    Really all we can do is our best, remain faithful to the Church and with charity and respect enter into dialogue.

    • Mary Kochan

      It is even sadder to hear of squabbles between Catholics of good will and Catholics of bad will, like those who openly dissent from the faith. 😉

  • noelfitz


    thanks for your reply.

    I agree fully with you.

    I find that the articles in NCR are not very anti-Catholic, but some of the comments by so-called Catholics, (possibly) lapsed, show an unfortunate hostility towards the Church.

  • wild rose

    Catholics who approve of abortion cannot understand that contraception leads to abortion. These people are liberal first. All others things they profess to be come second. First they’re liberal, second they’re Catholic; or second they’re people of other faiths, elected officials, or journalists, Australians, etc.

    Cuba was once a Catholic country. Today 10% of Catholics practice their faith. In a country that once preached atheism and is still dominated by Marxist thought is not likely to change soon. The United States is on the brink of this model and our days of freedom are numbered. The United States, Cuba and the world need change, but this will occur only if each one is in a position to seek the Truth and chooses the way of love, sowing reconciliation and fraternity.

    Noelfitz, I thank you for the link to information about Bl. John Henry Newman that you provided on another post. God blessed us in at time when the Church needed him. The Newman Centers, located near colleges and universities, provide students an opportunity to learn Truth and practice their faith.

    • wild rose

      I just read the Catholic News Live article that Raul Castro has declared Good Friday a national holiday after Pope Benedict XVI recent visit to Cuba. Praise be to God!

  • HomeschoolNfpDad

    I read somewhere that 10% was the approximate percentage of the population of the pagan Roman Empire that were Catholics (or Christian — in those days, Christian and Catholic meant the same thing). Perhaps 10% is to be expected as a mean towards which a population will digress (or progress, if not yet 10%) in a hostile culture. Pure speculation on my part, but seeing that statistic pop up in reference to Cuba jogged my memory.

    Unless I am mistaken, 10% is also to approximate percentage of the Egyptian population which is Catholic, Orthodox, or otherwise Christian.

  • wild rose

    My niece, a principal at a Catholic elementary school, states that 10% of Catholic parishioners do 90% of the work within a parish. She went on to say this is typical for all parishes.

    Recently the Sunday Visitor Catholic newspaper reported that 27% of Catholics in the United States attend Mass every Sunday. In my parish it’s encouraging to see the church filled to capacity on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. On Good Friday we see more younger people than seniors in the congregation. This is truly encouraging.