Planned Parenthood’s Garden: The Fruits of Reproductive Freedom


It has often been said by my fellow pro-lifers that it is simply untimely to expect the general population to understand the reasons why the practice of contraception not only leads to but, in many instances, causes abortion. And the problem with that argument is that, while we hesitate, Planned Parenthood and its allies sow the seeds of destruction far and wide.

Marketing contraception and abortion is big business. And when Planned Parenthood’s income includes millions of tax dollars provided through the generosity of the American taxpayer, why not step it up every year! 

Just look at some of the fruit of its morbidly distorted crop. 

The “sex outside of marriage” seeds have yielded large numbers of women who cohabitate and are more likely to abort babies than any other group. According to a study published in the journal Contraception: “59.3 cohabiting women in every 1,000 between the ages of 15 and 44 will abort their children, compared to 31.8 divorced women, 28.1 of those who’ve never been married, and just 7.7 married women.”

This is but one fruit from the garden of reproductive freedom. And there are more.

Because of the government’s erasure of the co-pay requirement for contraception in the new health care law, we are told it won’t be long until the intrauterine device (IUD) is accessed by a very large number of women. The IUD will be available at no cost and it efficiently aborts babies. No wonder obstetricians have become the IUD’s biggest group of promoters. Of course you can bet that Big Pharma is excited about this too. More money for their coffers makes drug manufacturers happy campers. Never mind that their products are dangerous for women. The sociological fact is that the insertion of a device that can remain in place for long periods of time—rendering the female sterile—is quite appealing in the planted field of evil.

Along with the fruits of sterility come the longings of couples who finally decide that they no longer wish to be sterile but desperately want a baby. Many of them discover, with fretfulness aplenty, that they are no longer able to bear children the natural way due to the side-effects of their reproductive freedom choices. In desperation, they turn to reproductive technologies to satisfy their desires. This is another boon for the vendors of choice; laboratory practitioners can be counted on to have a positive answer as long as the couple has the needed funding.

According to one British expert, egg freezing gives assurance to the woman who is not quite ready to bear children. Michael Cook reports, 

Egg freezing has become a viable option for younger women who want to delay having children, says IVF specialist Gillian Lockwood in the journal Reproductive Biomedicine (subscription required). … “[F]reezing a woman’s eggs at age 30 literally ‘freezes in time’ her fertility potential and gives her the chance of a healthy pregnancy at a time of her choosing.”

In addition, men can freeze their sperm by making a donation to a sperm bank. One man alone is reported to have artificially fathered at least 150 babies. Imagine it, and no responsibility or obligation to provide moral, spiritual or, God forbid, financial support for a single child. My, that man must be so proud of his reproductive choices.

If this sounds far afield from the subject matter pro-life America should be addressing, this serves as your reality check. The fact is that if we fail to point out the weeds of the contraceptive mentality that choke the life out of our arguments regarding the tragedy of surgical killing prior to birth, we are irresponsible and deserve to fail in our quest for total protection of human rights for every individual from biological beginning until death.

Planned Parenthood salivates at pro-life hesitancy to confront the evils of contraception and reproductive technology. Just listen as the cash register sings “cha ching, cha ching” while the seeds of death flourish in the garden. Can’t you hear it?



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