Poem: “No One Knows How Far”


No One Knows How Far

What is the future like?
You have not been there yet,
A time you have not visited
You need not now forget

Someone saw me walking
Down a foreign street
Long beyond the telling
Where past and future meet

There within a city
A square within a square,
Infamous to many,
To others a despair

Then a hill in twilight
That led down to a well
Enclosed within a night
Where deeper darkness fell

A rampart of a texture
Stirred of blood and brick,
The fortress of the future
Of which the walls are thick

The savior gate was fastened
But opened for a while,
There I stood and listened:
Sunrise was on trial

But then the door came forward
That was a while ajar,
And darkness ran like rivers,
No one knows how far

March 18, 2011


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