Poem: “Of Course He Would Go to Her First”


Of Course He Would Go to Her First

Reluctantly, he had let her go,
“Just to get a few things” she had said.
He was anxious if she was out of his sight for even a moment,

His heart racing as the words constantly lingered,
“Behold your Mother”.
But she had reassured him “Only an hour perhaps less”.

Of course He would go to her first.
It was Sunday midday
And He had come to her as she knew He would.

She had knelt to roll up a small rug
And behind her she heard that voice – “Mary”.
The voice of her Son that was more than her Son.

She turned, still on her knees, trembling,
Her eyes transfixed, their gaze brimming with love,
A pulsating current of soft white light connecting them.

They made no move toward each other
For the space between them did not exist and
In the silence they made no sound for none was needed.

There was no touch, yet He filled every pore
There was no time, yet He’d be gone in an instant,
There was only this moment, their love, and eternity.

When she returned to John- he knew.

Scott Warren


About Author

  • Guy McClung

    Perhaps He would have said “Mom.” No one can convince me that the tradition that He came first to His mother is not true. She believed to her very core with all her heart, mind, soul, and strength without exception; unlike those who went to the tomb with oils who did not believe, who thought they would find His dead body. Even as she suffered at the foot of the cross, Mary His Mother believed. Guy McClung