Poem: “Passionate Love: In Memory of C.J.”


Passionate Love: In Memory of C.J.

A woman of a thousand smiles and merriment and cheer.
Yet infinite tears flow within her heart
Occasionally soaking her pillow
Rarely, rarely bathing a friend’s shoulder with the balm of sorrow and love.

Heroic Mother, Bravely shouldering the evil of a Moment in Time.
Sorrowful Mother drafted into discipleship among the ranks of
        The Mothers of Bethlehem’s Innocents and
The Sorrowful Mother.

Love, mysteriously, perfects tears
Transforming them into strands of pearls.
The Pearl of Great Price bought with arms begging
Aching to embrace the Beloved Child…..Your child
Risen gloriously in Christ.

Unworthy to shed a single tear you weep
I collect your myrrh within the chalice of my heart
Drinking your Moment in Time, if only a drop
In memory of Our Savior’s plea:
“Can you drink the cup that I drink?”
I kneel before you as your subject
Begging you for the grace to become the Woman of Grace, You are,
In transforming my water into myrrh-perfumed wine.

Allowing me to think I comfort and console you, encourage you in Christ
As He bore the ignominious death which he then defeated.
But you, You have unwrapped and given me the gift of authentic faith instead.
Faith lived in Hope, through Love.

My daily prayer rises to heaven
Perfuming the Sorrowful Mother’s bosom
Refreshing the Son who weeps over Martha and Mary’s pain
Consoling the Son, the Man, the Savior who authentically sheds your tears.

Jesus imbibes these prayers-for-relief, returning droplets of joy
Through friends, family who embrace the you: You are
In any moment in time.
Only He perseveres along the journey that returns you to your son
Salvation, Peace.

“In my father’s house there are many mansions. I have gone to prepare a place for you.”

Indeed, a child’s love lingers within eternity.
A mother’s love perfumes, consumes the Infinite, Almighty, I Am!

Stacy Peterson
Oct. 4th, 2012


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  • goral

    “But you, You have unwrapped and given me the gift of authentic faith instead.”

    This is my favorite line after three readings.
    Nice work.