Monthly Archives: July, 2013

In this column I have frequently referenced findings about the dismal way in which many Catholics look at the sacraments. …

Final Vows 10/28/04 If in this hour we are not one, All is not right with my soul. For we…

While poorly decided U.S. Supreme Court cases are a dime a dozen, prior to last Wednesday, two stood out among…

The corruption of innocence is a deadly sin, because it corrupts the innocents. Better a millstone be tied around the…

Yup, it’s them again. America’s most charming couple is back in the news. You remember, don’t you? We were introduced…

The current question of racism is a red herring. It’s easier to focus on a single word uttered by a…

It is time for believers in God and country to get real, and face the fact that the enemy is…

In view of the June 26 Supreme Court decisions on “gay” marriage, it is time for serious Catholics to examine…

What a different country this might have been if, 400 years ago, someone had suggested, “Let’s pick our own cotton.”