I would be remiss not make mention on this website dedicated to fatherhood that habemus papam — we have a…
Yearly Archives: 2013
Fourteenth Station Good Friday I am here, watching the hole, Filled with a rock and still There is danger, stupid…
Yet if the impulse is noble, then that means there’s a hint of truth to this. So why the emphasis on the smallest bits of liturgical discipline? Why nitpick? In short, we are trying to be like the just servants in the parable of the talents.
On February 10, 2013, Pope Benedict XVI announced his intention to renounce the papacy due to his waning strength in…
Easter Sunday Meditation and Questions for Reflection or Group Discussion (Acts 10:34,37-43; Colossians 3:1-4; Psalm 118:1-2,16-17,22-23; John 20:1-9) Jesus is…
Grocery Night Thursday night was grocery shopping night and the best night of the week. Right after dinner, my father…
The day finally came when it was time to pack up the majority of my office suits. They used to…
Recently, some friends queried me about the alleged apparitions known as “Rosa Mistica” (Mystical Rose). From their questions, it seemed…
Last week North Dakota became the first state in the Union to pass a personhood ammendment that covers humans in…
Thirteenth Station Good Friday He’s dead? Already? I was sure he would remain, A living human stain, Hanging up there,…