A Corymbus For Autumn Hearken my chant, ’tis As a Bacchante’s, A grape-spurt, a vine-splash, a tossed tress, flown vaunt…
A Corymbus For Autumn Hearken my chant, ’tis As a Bacchante’s, A grape-spurt, a vine-splash, a tossed tress, flown vaunt…
Five years ago, I stepped into a room to cover a news story for work. I was flustered because I…
The Pope celebrated mass in St Peter’s square this morning in honour of the Marian Day, an event organized as…
Today in many intellectual circles, Christians are viewed with condescension and derision. We are seen as naïve simpletons who lack…
Meditation and Questions for Reflection or Group Discussion (2 Kings 5:14-17; Psalm 98:1-4; 2 Timothy 2:8-13; Luke 17:11-19) Allowing Jesus…
Rather, I wish to Blend Father of Heaven and earth, hear my cry. Let my words come to you pure,…
Some years ago a group of men from my parish were providing escorts and security for an all-night Eucharistic Adoration…
There’s a great line in the book: Ten Dates Every Catholic Should Know, by Diane Moczar. In writing about the…