To Medusa Gorgon, my Gorgon I gaze on that sweetest face. Stone, my own face turns. O Medusa, dear, Let…
To Medusa Gorgon, my Gorgon I gaze on that sweetest face. Stone, my own face turns. O Medusa, dear, Let…
Through the judgment of Alda Gross v. Switzerland (No. 67810/10), given on May 14, 2013, the Second Section of the…
Dear Brothers and Sisters, Last Thursday we celebrated the Feast of Corpus Christi, which in Italy and other countries is…
By the time this column is published, this author will have participated in the sacrament of marriage. While I do…
This article focuses on the meaning and uses of the term “tradition.” The next article will speak of the serious…
I was Protestant for a time. I sang modern Christian music and swayed and held up my hands and loved…
The Sacred Liturgy is rich in ritual and ceremony, and that is fitting. It is the meeting of heaven and…
Yesterday in the Basilica of St. John Lateran, Pope Francis celebrated Mass for the Solemnity of Corpus Christi. He then…
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Pixie Led Pixie led, bewildered in the darkness Follow flame that flickers in the wildness, Near or farther off cannot…