At his first General Audience of 2014, Pope Francis gave the faithful in attendance a homework assignment. “Who among you…
At his first General Audience of 2014, Pope Francis gave the faithful in attendance a homework assignment. “Who among you…
Our flight had taken off from Phoenix and we were happily heading west to Los Angeles. The animated chatter of…
Twenty years after the Clintons failed to get countries to declare a right to abortion, Mrs. Clinton told a posh…
It’s an election year again, and unless we’re careful, we can easily be misled by vague assertions about “the dangers…
The readings for today stress God’s powerful gift of forgiveness and his demand that we share this forgiveness with others.…
Interlude Something about the half-lit space invites silence. Sacred and calm. Sunlight, muted through treated windows, still manages to splash…
Shortly before his martyrdom, St. Paul penned a letter to his friend Timothy. The great apostle seems to have known…
The air was cold, the moon full, the wind biting as I stood in the backyard waiting for the dogs…
On September 29, 2008, the Feast of the Archangels, Human Life International launched its Saint Michael the Archangel Prayer Campaign…
“Ask and you shall receive. Seek, and you shall find. Knock, and the door will be opened for you” (Matthew…