A reflection on today’s Sacred Scripture: “I have told you this so that My joy might be in you and your…
Monthly Archives: May, 2014

IN the beginning of the fourth century great levies of troops were made throughout Egypt for the service of the…

The Temple authorities cracked down on the Nazoreans. Peter and the Apostles were rounded up and brought before the Sanhedrin,…

Two anniversaries are coming up, one that inspires, one that reveals the depths of human depravity. Michael Clancy, a photojournalist,…

The ancients knew we were made for it, we moderns are constantly seeking it: Happiness. It’s often associated with peace,…

This past Sunday in the continental U.S. mother’s everywhere were remembered and cherished by cards, calls and candy — not…

The announcement that the Church will beatify Pope Paul VI in October has led some observers to declare that Rome…

The Vatican had strong words for U.N. experts who accused the Catholic Church of torture because of its teaching on…

Fourth Sunday in Easter Scripture from today’s Liturgy of the Word: Acts 2:14A, 36-41 A reflection on today’s First Reading:…

A Mother’s Golden Heart Even before the start Of life’s first dawning day I had a golden heart To guide…