I made my first vows of poverty, chastity and obedience on August 30, 2014. Visibly not much has changed. The…
I made my first vows of poverty, chastity and obedience on August 30, 2014. Visibly not much has changed. The…
Storming Falluja, Ten Years Ago Fallujans flee, of your fighters be rid, Your city, your honor our GI’s demand, We’ll…
In June I had my right hip replaced. Twenty years of running eroded the cartilage in the joint and when…
ST. JOHN was born at Antioch in 344. In order to break with a world which admired and courted him,…
Hunger Camp at Jaslo Write it. Write. In ordinary ink on ordinary paper: they were given no food, they all…
A year from now, believers from around the world will gather with the Pope in Philadelphia to celebrate God’s gift…
As theaters are drowning in action movies and superheroes, a different kind of hero has made a second cinematic splash.…
“This is the first time I’ve had no need of tranquillizers ahead of a board meeting,” the head of the…