In an exclusive interview with C-Fam’s Friday Fax, UNICEF denies allegations from the Catholic bishops of Kenya that a tetanus…
In an exclusive interview with C-Fam’s Friday Fax, UNICEF denies allegations from the Catholic bishops of Kenya that a tetanus…
Articles relating to the sanctity of marriage have been churning out from Catholic media sources recently. The identity of marriage…
An Old Nun’s Prayer With these hands, I have served You Lord. With this heart, I have loved You all…
I have a dear friend in Buenos Aires, Fabián Rodríguez Simón, a voracious reader and recalcitrant freethinker. Every time we…
Up in Smoke I admit it: I feel sorry for cigarette and cigar smokers these days. But changing fashions and…
“Vanity of vanities! All things are vanity!” (Eccl 1:2). So says Qoheleth, the Preacher, the protagonist of the Book of…
I’ve seen it time and time again. Someone decides to seek a better paying job, or pursue and investment strategy,…
“Who has helped you the most in your fathering?” We asked that very question to thousands of men as part…
Well, it’s finally over. With the exception of a few run-offs and perhaps a re-count or two, the 2014 elections…