ST. JULIUS was a Roman, and chosen Pope on the 6th of February in 337, shortly before the death of…
Monthly Archives: April, 2015

We don’t know where Thomas was. All we know is that he missed it. All the others were huddling together…

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past month, you’re undoubtedly familiar with the controversy surrounding Indiana’s “religious…

At the beginning of Lent our pastor gave everyone in our parish some homework to do. He asked us to…

Colorado is no stranger to the scene of bone-chilling events. These include the mysterious JonBenet Ramsey murder and the Columbine…

Why, Lord, did you give me this father, this mother, this brother, this sister, this son, this daughter, this relative,…
BADEMUS was a rich and noble citizen of Bethlapeta in 4th century Persia, who founded a monastery near that city,…

As the UN puts polishing touches on their ambitious global plan to curb poverty, attention shifts from the political to…

At the close of the Extraordinary Synod of Catholic Bishops last October, the Synod’s Final Report ( the “Lineamenta”) included…