Dedicated in 324, AD, the Lateran Basilica is the oldest and ranks first among the four Papal Basilicas or major…
Dedicated in 324, AD, the Lateran Basilica is the oldest and ranks first among the four Papal Basilicas or major…
The time lag between the two widows in this Sunday’s readings was considerable. Lots of things change in 800 years.…
PROTESTANTISM pretends to regard the veneration which the Church pays to the relics of the Saints as a sin, and…
WILLIBRORD was born in Northumberland in 657, and when twenty years old went to Ireland, to study under St. Egbert;…
As the concept of gender grows ever more fluid (you can pick any one of 58 gender options on Facebook),…
When the UN Security Council adopted its latest resolution on the role of women in international peacebuilding and security last…
This past summer, after nearly 16 years of marriage, my husband and I took our first bona-fide, airline-ticket “weekend away.”…
LEONARD, one of the chief personages of the court of Clovis, and for whom this monarch had stood as sponsor…
Meditation and Questions for Reflection or Group Discussion Mass Readings: 1st Reading 1 Kings 17:10-16 2nd Reading: Hebrews 9:24-28 Responsorial:…