Before reading this reflection, please meditate on today’s readings. Because it is preparation for the Christian life, the Old Testament…
Before reading this reflection, please meditate on today’s readings. Because it is preparation for the Christian life, the Old Testament…
Are we all agreed that Saving Mr. Banks is the Worst. Movie. Title. Ever? Good. First: Who is Mr. Banks?…
Saint Paul the Apostle was born in the ancient city of Tarsus in the Roman province of Cilicia (present-day Turkey)…
Imagine: you are ten years past customary retirement age. It’s time finally to kick back and relax. You live in…
”He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on…
At his first General Audience of 2014, Pope Francis gave the faithful in attendance a homework assignment. “Who among you…
Our flight had taken off from Phoenix and we were happily heading west to Los Angeles. The animated chatter of…
Twenty years after the Clintons failed to get countries to declare a right to abortion, Mrs. Clinton told a posh…
It’s an election year again, and unless we’re careful, we can easily be misled by vague assertions about “the dangers…
The readings for today stress God’s powerful gift of forgiveness and his demand that we share this forgiveness with others.…