We Wise-men Three The rarity of that burning star, Object of my study for days, Beckoned my soul to a…
We Wise-men Three The rarity of that burning star, Object of my study for days, Beckoned my soul to a…
The Way Stand straight up and then look down, It is a long way to the ground, Big we are…
Alert Sunday–First Sunday in Advent Alert Sunday. The greeter has smiles on his palms as he Opens the church doors.…
I Saw a Baby I saw a baby at the stream, Perhaps or maybe not a dream, Who played with…
The Mule Purple, purple, Purple, pink, In evergreen The candles sink. Candle’s age? One thousand yeared, With four four-thousand ‘Fore…
Come What May As the tree line on a prairie Rises on a darkened river, Human souls along the way…
The Wait November ends Winter pretends She’s harsher than We think. She blows us to Mass Where ringed in green…
Permission The paper which I carried said that I Was qualified to board the plane and fly, But at the…
The Thanking Day With prayer, I start the Thanking Day, At dawn, I kneel, Te Deum, pray. I dress for…
All That’s True I saw two trees that grew entwined, The pine tree and the beech tree twinned, As night…