Browsing: Apologetics

Many Protestant rebels from Luther forward placed mistaken reliance on the works of St. Augustine of Hippo as providing a…

As an observer of the human species, I believe I have discovered a new type. I call them “paid internet…

Recently I wrote about the beginning of my faith journey. I had become dissatisfied with the prevailing secular ideologies of…

If you had told me seven years ago that I was on the verge of converting to Catholicism and that…

The early part of the first century A.D.: Herod was the one who had John arrested and bound in prison…

In the Book of Isaiah the prophet recounts his vision: He saw God, sitting before him on a “high and…

We are supposed to love the Catholic Church. After all, Christ is in love with her. She is his bride.…

Lent is our time to be with Jesus in the desert, where He, in His humanity, experienced weakness, hunger and…

In a large urban parish which I attended some years ago I have noticed that the liturgical life seems to…