Boris Dittrich, the homosexual activist called the “father” of the political movement in favor of Dutch same-sex “marriage”, has admitted…
Boris Dittrich, the homosexual activist called the “father” of the political movement in favor of Dutch same-sex “marriage”, has admitted…
Congratulations to the former Cardinal Bergoglio of Argentina, who is now Pope Francis. He deserves our best wishes, but even…
ANALYSIS/OPINION: Mom-blogger Ursula Hennessey, writing last week at OnTheCulture.com, questioned the lax supervision provided by too many parents of teens. A…
He said also to the man who had invited him, “When you give a dinner or a banquet, do not…
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Eighth Station Good Friday Mother, who’s that man? Why is he sighing? Mother, who’s that lady? Why is she crying?…
Carlos Beltramo also contributed to this article. He is a collection of firsts: the first non-European pope in more than…
Pope Francis in his initial remarks following his papal election led those gathered at the Vatican and those watching on…
It was a nice sunny day in Buenos Aires, but a little cold for the season since it is still…