Monthly Archives: May, 2013

The first step in renewing architecture in the Catholic Church is to make a commitment to the truth. As the…

The older the script, the more likely it is that Hollywood will produce a good and uplifting film. The newest…

Where did actions such as those taken by abortionist Kermit Gosnell begin? Is there a logical explanation for practices that reflect such…

Thanks to a renewed interest in the works of Ayn Rand and high-profile figures like John Stossel, Glenn Beck, and…

Researchers who justify the killing of human beings at the embryonic stage “demean” themselves and diminish their own humanity, an…

Have you ever noticed that in the comments following articles, including Catholic Lane’s, that some people have their pictures next…

“Forgive me, Father, for I have worried.” Even when I’m behind the screen, I am sure that my priest knows…

Sister Mary (for all Sisters & Nuns) Mary, Mary how does your garden grow? With brilliance and burdens Teaching and…

The self-styled “master planner” of a 1990s landmark population conference last week lamented the failure to subsequently advance reproductive rights,…